Quote of the week

"For really I think that the poorest he that is in England hath a life to live, as the greatest he; and therefore truly, sir, I think it's clear, that every man that is to live under a government ought first by his own consent"
- Colonel Rainsborugh, Putney Debates, August 1647

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Albert Speer and the Holocaust

'Did he know…?'

This was the question that plagued Albert Speer for all of his post-1945 life. Speer, ‘Hitler’s architect’ and Minister of Armaments from 1942-5, was the only member of the Nazi high command to express remorse for his involvement in the Nazi regime, and for the crimes committed under its name. He was sentenced to 20 years in Spandau prison, and was duly released at the end of his sentence in 1966. Throughout his trial and the rest of his life, he maintained that he did not know about the 'Final Solution' or the existence of extermination camps.

Speer's is an interesting case because it links to the perennial question of how apparently ‘normal’ human beings could be tied up in a regime that committed such unspeakable acts of cruelty. Was it the case, as Speer's story seems to suggest, that it was possible to work at the heart of Nazi Germany and still know nothing of what was happening to the Jews? If the second most powerful man in Germany, as of 1943 onwards, knew nothing, surely that exonerates most Nazis and Germans in general of any sense of guilt?

Of course, Speer himself was almost defined by his admissions of guilt and remorse. Yet that guilt often seemed to be by association: he was guilty of causing the holocaust by virtue of being part of the Nazi regime, and by not trying to find out if such things were happening, but not because of any of his own personal actions. This approach can be found most clearly in the pages of Speer’s memoirs, Inside the Third Reich. He wrote that Gauletier Hanke of Lower Silesia warned him never to accept an invitation to visit the concentration camp at Upper Silesia, as terrible things were happening there. Speer then records that he failed to enquire further, by asking either Himmler or Hitler about what took place at the camp. He continues:

These seconds [when Hanke told Speer this, and Speer did not inquire] were uppermost in my mind when I stated to the international court at the Nuremberg Trial that, as an important member of the leadership of the Reich, I had to share the total responsibility for all that had happened. For from that moment on I was inescapably contaminated morally; from fear of discovering something which might have made me turn from my course, I had closed my eyes ... Because I failed at that time, I still feel, to this day, responsible for Auschwitz in a wholly personal sense.”

The problem with this confession is twofold: Speer both claims responsibility for too much and yet fails to reveal the true extent of his failings.

The reader is almost made to exclaim, ‘no, no, don’t be so hard on yourself!’ Speer appears to have preempted any criticism by admitting to more than he was actually guilty of – of course he was not personally responsible for Auschwitz, yet how noble of him to claim so! Clearly this confession of guilt also held a self-serving role. In a 1971 interview with playboy magazine, Speer said that every one of his confessions made him feel ‘freer’. Yet the interviewer still said that he came away from the meeting feeling that that 'a veil has been drawn' between Speer and the truth.

Still, in that interview, and in a sworn affidavit sent to the South Board of Deputies of South African Jews, who had contacted Speer in their bid to counter an example of Holocaust denial, Speer went further than he had done at Nuremburg, and described his involvement in the holocaust in terms of ‘Billigung,’ which roughly translates as ‘passive toleration/concurrence or active condonation/approval’. This suggests a more direct knowledge than Speer had admitted in his autobiography.

And yet even this can still be slipped into Speer’s own narrative of his supposed limited knowledge of events. Is there anything that could link Speer more directly to a knowledge of the holocaust? Many accusations have centred on his presence at a speech given by Heinrich Himmler in Posen on October 6, 1943, in which Himmler explicitly described the progress of the extermination of the Jews. Although Speer had given a speech at the conference that same morning, he claimed to have left before Himmler gave his speech in the afternoon. This despite the fact that it later emerged that Himmler even referred to Speer directly (‘you, comrade Speer’) in his speech!

Speer secured sworn testimonies from fellow Nazis that he had not been present for Himmler’s speech, and yet in 2007, a set of letters went up for auction that seemed to offer a final rejection of that claim. The letters were between Speer and Hélène Jeanty, the widow of a Belgian resistance leader. In one letter from 1971, Speer confessed that "There is no doubt - I was present as Himmler announced on October 6 1943 that all Jews would be killed". He continued: "Who would believe me that I suppressed this, that it would have been easier to have written all of this in my memoirs?"

Speer is no longer alive to defend himself. No doubt if he was, he would develop another clever rouse to explain away this apparent outright confession. Perhaps this is what is so intriguing about Speer, his life is a study of the depths to which man will go to deceive not only others, but himself, of the truth.

References/ Further Reading

Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich

Speer’s autobiography

Gita Sereny, ‘Albert Speer, His Battle With the Truth’

Authoritative psychobiography of Speer


Article concerning the letters to Helene Jeanty


Video footage of a concentration camp survivor who attested to seeing Speer visit the camp.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Research on JFK Assasination

The web is full of conspiracies and debunkings surrounding the JFK assassination, with plenty of convincing arguments being made by both sides.

One of the most valid points made by those who claim there was no conspiracy at work is that conspiracy theorists and their supporters are driven by a desire to rationalise an apparently random act. How could a man as important and inspiring as Kennedy be killed by a man as inconsequential as Lee Harvey Oswald. People want to believe that there were bigger forces at work, that organised crime, the CIA or other parties defending the control of the military-industrial complex must surely have been responsible for such a momentous event. It comforts people to know that the fate of the world does not hang in the balance of seemingly random acts by individuals.

This may well be a feature in why the assassination has received so much interest. However, there still remains a whole slew of evidence supporting the idea of multiple shooters: by definition proof of a conspiracy. Indeed, defending the 'lone gunman' theory of the Warren Commission seems a thankless task.

The Warren Commission argued that Lee Harvey Oswald fired 3 shots, that one of these missed, and the third shot was the headshot that killed Kennedy. This leads to the hilariously complex possible path for the other bullet (from wiki):
According to the Warren Commission[12] and the House Select Committee on Assassinations,[13] as President Kennedy waved to the crowds on his right with his right arm upraised on the side of the limo, a shot entered his upper back, penetrated his neck, slightly damaged a spinal vertebra and the top of his right lung, exited his throat nearly centerline just beneath his larynx, then nicked the left side of his suit tie knot. Governor Connally also reacted after the same bullet penetrated his back just below his right armpit, creating an oval entry wound, impacted and destroyed four inches of his right, fifth rib bone, exited his chest just below his right nipple creating a two-and-a-half inch oval sucking-air chest wound, then entered just above his right wrist, impacted and cleanly shattered his right radius bone, exited just below the wrist at the inner side of his right palm, and entered his left inner thigh.

What is more, the bullet was then found, allegedly, on the stretcher at the hospital after the governor and President had been removed to surgery. It was in almost pristine condition, despite the fact that it had allegedly passed through a great deal of flesh, bone matter etc, and despite the fact that surgeons had left fragments of the bullet in the Governor's thigh.

The more plausible theory is that all those injuries were the result of more than one shot, so there was more than one shooter (a necessity if there was more than 3 shots, as Oswald would have struggled to get off 3 in the time it is claimed he did, let alone 4).

In addition to thesis, there is evidence to suggest that the fatal shot to the President's head (the supposed 'third shot') came from the grassy knoll, or perhaps even was almost simultaneous combination of two shots from behind and to the side/ in front. Hence why the President's head jerks back when he is shot, as can be seen in the Zapruder film of the assassination. (The forward jerk that precedes it is the result of the car slowing down, and can be seen in all the other passengers), and why a number of people thought they heard a shot coming from the grassy knoll.

The video below is an apparent confession by small-time mobster James Files that he was the shooter on the grassy knoll. There have been many refutations of his story. The parts I find convincing are the fact that he never volunteered the information, but a private investigator followed a tip-off from an FBI informant to reach him, and that he claimed to have bitten the bullet casing he fired then left it on the ground. A casing found dug in the ground on the knoll also had toothmarks in it, a fact that it would be highly unlilkely for Files to have known.

Clearly there is far more to write, and that has been written on this topic, and I include a few interesting links below for further reading. I leave you though with what remains by favourite titbit of circumstantial evidence for a conspiracy. What is the typical meeting point for a mobster or agent to go to meet his handler after a 'job' has been carried out? It's always somewhere untraceable like a cinema. So what was Oswald expecting to do in the cinema where he got arrested a short time after the shooting? Watch a movie...?

Please comment below to add your thoughts!

Website written by much maligned JFK investigator Wim Dankbaar, most prominent supporter of James Files' story.

High Quality remastered footage of the Zapruder film.

Information gathered by another JFK conspiracy theorist.

Some at times fairly far absurd and dramatic yet entertaining stuff from former professional wrestler, Minessota Governor and conspiracy theorist extraordinaire Jesse Ventura. Approach with caution...

A Good defence of the single-bullet theory